Monday, June 8, 2009


This was me yesterday.....

Hubby went to watch the Knights play so he left at 2:30pm and did not get home until 3:30am this morning....gasp...phew.....snore

So WonderWomen here had to play, feed, bath, dress, bottle and bed both Bear and DollyGirl by herself...

now this maynot seem like a big deal to some of you who may do this on a daily basis but i do not and it's a big thing for me to have done and done well with no tears, scream or shouting on my part or the kids!!!!

4 reflections:

Unknown said...

the knights must haave been exhausted after playing that long !!!!
well done one the single parenting- imagine having to do it everyday ?yuck

Jewell said...

yeah not a nice thought..but some people have to do it

Cyndy said...

I remember how difficult it was.... GG was just 2 & Sboy 8weeks old when Beloved left to work away for 4 months until we joined him..... We had to finish rebuilding our house after the earthquake and I went back to wok at the same time.... plurgh x 100000.... Lovely Lisa was one of my babysitters <3..
Well done!

And hubby should be very relieved of his stress ;0)

Wendy said...

Yay, you! It's hard work but after creating human life - twice even - we still reel at our daily triumphs such as your success here ☺